Thursday, April 22, 2010

Girls in Tutus

 These are some of my favorite images from my Tutus for Girls mini sessions this past Tuesday.  I had 8 little girls and they were all very cooperative and loved having their pictures taken. 
 I had Jeri from "Pretty Baby" make me some tutus in a variety of colors and she also supplied the handmade flowers and barrettes. (You can find Pretty Baby on Facebook)   Each mom got to choose the color of tutu and a matching headband and flower.  The complete outfit was adorable.
 At the end of each session the mom's were able sit down with Shawna to view and choose their favorites for their 8x10 collage as well as a complimentary Pretty Baby hair accessory.
  $10 from each session was also donated to Shanna Bishell and Sophie Robinson for The Ride to Conquer Cancer.  Shanna was also there to help with the little munchkins.  Thanks Shanna, your help was appreciated!
 A special thank you to all the little princesses and their mommies for having me photograph them on Tuesday it was tons of fun!!! 

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